TO THE SCIENCE OF LIGHT

                                  In mystical settings, words are spoken in symbols...

Amon is also pronounced Amen, the same Amen that winds up in the Bible, Rev. 3:14.  He was here before  Abraham.

"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!" -- John 8:58

I was raised catholic and I have been on the mystic path since 1980 so most of what I will share here will be taken from the Gospel but I will be dealing with the esoteric teachings. Symbolic Text is divided into two parts, esoteric and exoteric. Esoteric is the true original meaning intended only for the few, The Inner Circle. Exoteric is the modified or the perceived literal meaning intended for many, The outer Circle. You may refer to your dictionaries or google search the words esoteric and exoteric  to further your understanding on these words.  Direct mystical experience is totally different from intellectual knowledge. In mysticism we are dealing with higher realities that are very difficult to describe accurately in the language of this world, as such, symbolism may have to be used. It is not necessary for me to share the exoteric part for it is expected that majority of us are already familiar with it. The spirit in you will lead you to the truth, the secret is meditation, going within. Because the truth is universal, I will insert from time to time qoutes from ancient Egypt, Bhagavad Gita, Hinduism, Buddhism and Mysticsm that are related to the topic, which will be focused mainly on meditation. I do not intend to share some arcane teachings I learned in the path, for this requires higher levels of discipline and techniques, learning meditation should suffice it, for your first steps on how to find the spirit of truth within. Your true self is not the body, you are a spiritual being operating a vehicle, a human body.

Many have claimed that Jesus spoke in parables in order for the majority of people to better understand what He was saying. But Jesus' own words refute this claim. "And He was alone, they that were about Him with the twelve asked of Him the parable" (vs. 10). Christ was talking to His disciples and a few others around Him. The multitudes mentioned in verse 1 were already away for Him. Then He said, "Unto you (His disciples) it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God; but unto them that are without (those unconverted, those He was not calling to understand), all these things are done in parables" (vs 11). Jesus used parables to conceal, to hide the true meaning so those He was not working with would not understand. "That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand" (vs 12), "lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them." He used parables to make it more difficult to understand, not easier.

THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN PRAYER AND MEDITATION: Prayer and meditation are two distinct methods of approach to reality. Both are equally legitimate and useful. Prayer is based on the concept of God Transcendent, above and beyond the world of human affairs; meditation, however, appeals to those who recognize God Immanent, or within His creation. When we pray we speak to God; when we meditate we listen to God, or let God speak to us.

In meditation we stimulate the right brain hemisphere by shutting down all the 10 % activities, your thoughts coming from the left brain hemisphere, where your carnal thoughts reside. With eyes closed, take no thoughts. You can do this seated in a lotus position or simply sitting on a chair. The electrons in your pineal gland will then vibrate and attract photon lights which we call spirit or God, and this light that you absorb in meditation contains information. Some may prefer to have music or none at all. Deep breathing exercise before entering meditation is beneficial, to calm your mind. In mysticsm, when dealing with symbolic texts, the word "sheep" means "divine thoughts". Watching the sheep or watching the divine thoughts coming from God. Anyone who "watches" will always see what is coming, this is the watching meditation, this is how we "watch". You are only an observer, do not judge or analyze whatever you see here. This is how we attract angels or light messengers. Angels are God's thoughts passing to man. My favourite meditation time is in the evening, in a dim lit or darkened room. Melatonin flows freely from the pineal gland in the dark, and melatonin is a light carrier also known to be a cancer killer, it's healing qualities help get rid of any illness or sickness.

"And what I say unto you I say unto all, WATCH!" -- Mark 13:37
" I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what He will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved " -- Habakkuk 2:1

Circumcised ear is not physically cutting off of your ears, but symbolically cutting off your ear from listening outside, and listen to the spirit of Truth within. No one else can tell you what is truth. The spirit of truth is in you, turn to the spirit within and It will lead you to all Truths.

LIGHT CAN STOP : Light travels in waves and collapses into a particle or a dot when someone is watching (through the "eye" in "watching meditation"). If no one is watching the wave exists, you look and the particle exists. Without the observer, nothing can exist. This light messenger can change into matter and back to light again, it can become a person, and back to light again.  Light can stop and come to you to deliver your message from the cosmos and this has been proven true by science, but there are still many mysterious properties of light unanswered . Here's  a link from CERN  ......  If God is light, and what we call spirit is light, and if light can stop, then God or spirit, can stop, and visit you.

                                       MATTER IS SPIRIT IN FORM

To learn about God and the universe is very possible by first learning about yourself;  man is the measure of the universe, when you realize this, it will no longer matter to you who is in control of this world, you will learn to rise above the system. What you see outside is just an illusion, look within, be awake.  Seemingly solid matters including your body is made of atoms, and atoms are made of 99% empty space, solidity is just impossible, everything is energy, the universe is all "Mind", it is electrical,  invisible light.  Matter is energy, energy is spirit. The physical universe was created merely by the process of energy changing from one form to another. The creation and cessation of all things physical is simply manifestation and unmanifestation. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This energy is also conscious and infinite, it is Infinite Living Mind. Quantum physics states that something can come into existence only when it is observed. When something is no longer observed by  consciousness, it will cease to exist by unmanifesting back into a state of quantum potentiality, back to energy. All matter, energy and information are one and the same. All matter is energy, all energy is information. Information is thought, thought is consciousness. All the electron and subatomic particles of an atom are held together in their precise position and orbit by an invisible force, by which without it, everything would fall apart and reality as we know it, would cease to exist in an instant. That is the reason why the Bible says that it is Christ (The Superconscious), who holds all things in the universe together.

Reality lies in the unseen things of the spiritual world.

"Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear"  Heb 11:3

"While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal"  Cor. 4:18.


There's a bright light shining deep inside of me

"Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning" -- Luke 12:35

"But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the spirit, even so it is now" - Gal 4:29

"Thou blind Pharisee, clean first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also"  Matt 23:26
This is something very inner. This is deep meditation, our way of contacting home, to the light source, to the Father. In deep meditation, the ten % thoughts coming from the left brain hemisphere are shut down, this is taking no thoughts, The tree of knowledge of good and evil you must not take.  The seven point energies at the back or spinal cord lights up in spiral movement, from lowest point energy to the seventh and the pineal gland is lighted up, you then cross the bridge and ready to receive from God. Many did not succeed to cross the bridge, they are stuck up in the desire world, taking worldly thoughts. From the solar plexus below, these areas are controlled by the lower sector, that is your desires and emotions. From the solar plexus above, are controlled by the higher mind. If you are controlled by the lower, your oils or seeds are wasted downwards and exits through your genitals. Therefore too much of sexual activity is not good, masturbating don't help either.  If you are controlled by the higher, you will be able to send that oil upwards through meditation and sending oil to the pineal gland and lighted up,  and Christ consciousness is born.

There are only two worlds, the world within and the world without. The world within creates the world without. The world within is mental/spiritual, the world without is material/physical. Complete understanding of the two worlds is perfect knowledge. The key is to understand the world within and use it to rule the world without. You can only control what is without by controlling what is within. All control is self control. Everything happens according to the law of causal effects, chance is but a name given to a law not recognized. The "Universal Mind" knows our future by what we think in the present and feedback the would be results of our thoughts back to us through signs. Everyone is creating the future through his or her thoughts, take control of your thoughts or others will control and create the future for you. You do not need any system of divination to tell your future, the best way to predict your future is to create it.


The WORD is like a two edged sword it can either send you to hell or save you...

All religions are true but none are literal ---Joseph Campbell

“Half the people in the world think that the metaphors of their religious traditions, for example, are facts. And the other half contends that they are not facts at all. As a result we have people who consider themselves believers because they accept metaphors as facts, and we have others who classify themselves as atheists because they think religious metaphors are lies.” ― Joseph Campbell, Thou Art That: Transforming Religious metaphor.





...for visiting...

Universal Mind