In this aquarian age, people will eventually meet on
                   the physical plane but prior to that, will meet on the spiritual
                   plane in their meditations, in their vibrations and they will
                   unite and see each other. People will not dwell on race or
                   nationality,no group, no more tribal mentality, no more chosen
                   people other than those who camp at the right side or those
                   who cast their nets to the right, you are what you are. It is a time
                   of liberation from all conditioning patterns, a fundamental
                   detachment from emotional involvement in existing pattern.
                   It emphasize the sense of individual being very different,
                   somehow, misplaced from the group or don't fit in anymore.
                   An awareness of not fitting sends people seeking other like
                   minded people. This also causes disruptions among families.

                   This age brings freedom from the known, people begin to find
                   their own new values to reflect the essence of inherent
                   individuality. This means a rapidly changing times,
                   a groundswell occurs among all kinds of people demanding
                   fundamental change in social and political realities, revolutions
                   occur, it causes people to become overtly rebellious to the
                   existent structures and it also brings equitable distribution
                   of material wealth. The old order weakens and falls,
                   the new order rises.

                   Matt 6:33     - But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His
                                         righteousness, and all these things shall be added
                                         unto you.
                   Luke 17:21  - Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for
                                         behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.
                   Matt 18:33  -  And He said, "Truly I tell you, unless you change
                                         and become like little children, you will never enter
                                         the kingdom of heaven.
                   Rom 8:7      - Because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it
                                         is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
                   Psalm 24:9 - Lift up your head, gates! Be lifted up, ancient doors,
                                         so the king of glory may come in.
                   John 21:6  -   And He said unto them, "Cast your net on the right
                                         side of the ship, and ye shall find" They cast therefore
                                         and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude
                                         of fishes.
                   Mark 12:27 -  He is not the God of the dead,  but of the living. You are
                                         badly mistaken.

Spiritual truths transcend ordinary words thus symbolism may have been used,
it is much harder for us to understand and explain God's mysteries without
direct mystical experiences. To be born again of the spirit, one experiences
a renewal of the mind, a shift of consciousness from carnally minded to spiritually
minded, the restoration of the sight (spiritual eye or single eye). This is your
resurrection from death to life and your new life is a spiritual one, you no
longer see things through human perspective but through God's perspective.
Failure to obey His teachings contributes to such darkness your soul experiences,
you failed when you refuse to enter the Kingdom of God that is within you,
you are the gates to the mysteries. The real problem probably lies with the fact
that we are far too obtuse to grasp biblical metaphors. How do we enter the kingdom?
He told us in Matt 18:3 that "unless you change and become like little children,
you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven". What is it that we had in our childhood
that we lost in our adult lives, was it the same thing Adam and Eve lost in the garden?,
my answer is yes. To be born again of the spirit is to return to our original childlike
state of consciousness. Verses above are pointers for you to follow the line of
thoughts conveyed here.

"Man, know thyself and you shall know God and the Universe" - Hermes.
Your inner temple, which is your brain, is divided into two parts, the left brain
hemisphere and the right brain hemisphere. The left hemisphere is responsible
for reasoning, analyzing, rationalizing, based on the limited five physical senses.
This only consists of 10% of the brain's function and we mainly operate from here
during our waking states, this is your carnal mind and your physical or animal
nature operates from here, this mind is not capable of perceiving God, it is
beyond its reach, in fact this mind is God's enemy. The other 90% is unexplored
or unused in most cases, this is your right brain hemisphere, the God side. The right
hemisphere is responsible for intuitive faculties, the sense of knowing without
using the reasoning power, a direct channel of information from God. This is also
where your creative powers come from. An infant is born fresh right from
the Cosmic, a child operates mainly from the right hemisphere and has less
reasoning power, a child knows and sees things an adult can not see. As a child
grows, his or her spiritual intuitive faculties is gradually lost, spiritual growth
hindered and a shift from right hemisphere to left hemisphere usually happens
when we enter school, entering the system of this world. The growing adult now
becomes carnally minded, lost his or her spiritual sight, and now among the blind
and the dead. This is our fall, we begin to identify ourselves as the form which
is a false image, we have forgotten our true identity, our true self, the inner man,
our spiritual self in the image and likeness of God.

A second shift is vital, back to our original state of consciousness, spiritual
and intuitive. This doesn't mean you must lose all your reasoning powers,
the carnal mind can be a powerful tool while operating in this world, this
mind is a servant to your intuitive mind. It is a shift from left hemisphere
back to right hemisphere, from carnally minded to spiritually minded, from
death to life, this is your resurrection, that is why Jesus said "cast your net
to the right". You shall now walk with the Lord in the land of the living.
You will now understand why in the past you felt like God was never on your
side, because God is not the God of the dead but of the living.

              "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational 
                mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society 
                that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."

                                        -- Albert Einstein --



Universal Mind