Dictionary of the Sacred Language

This Dictionary of the Sacred Language claims to give the true solution of the
age-long problem of the origin, nature and meaning of the Scriptures and
Myths which are attached to the various religions of the world. It especially
appeals to those thinkers who are dissatisfied with the many conflicting
theories and exposition of both Christian and rationalist teachers and writers
of modern times. To earnest souls who are distressed by doubts and difficulties
concerning their scriptures and religion, this presentation of facts and their
elucidation should bring peace, for it offers them all that is of eternal value in
religion, and it entirely frees them from subservience to doubtful systems and
conventional contradictory opinions.

The origin and nature of the various Scriptures have never been consisitently
explained either by religionists or rationalists, so as to account for their worldwide
influence and the striking peculiarities of the writings. For more than a century
clerical and lay thinkers have disputed about scriptures and doctrines, with no
satisfactory result, for the theories of every disputant are open to fatal objections.
It is usual to narrow the problem of Divine revelation to one particular religion, and
to regard other religions as negligible, thereby making impossible a true
understanding either of the accepted religion or of the general problem of religions.
It will, I think, be found that the light thrown by this Dictionary upon the sacred
writings, shows them to belong to a higher plane of thought than that hitherto
conceded to them. On this high plane they are beyond the reach of all
controversies regarding them with which the world of thought is filled. There
is indeed no room for scepticism on the general subject of religion and revelation
when the full meaning of the scriptures and their philosophy is apprehended.
There is no conflict with science when the legends of old cease to be materialized
in the notions of literalists. Doubt respecting Divine revelation only creeps in
when history and verbalism are allowed to distort religious conceptions and
obstruct the truth. When the fact is realized that the scriptures belong to a
category of writings which is unique in the world and can be recognized through
the symbolism peculiar to it, the strength of the religious position is invincible
in face of the attacks of materialists and other sceptics. The Scriptures can no
longer be controverted because of any features in their appearance, while, in
respect to their ascertained meanings, these are beyond the arguments of
adverse rationalists.

This present exposition of Scripture exegesis, giving fuller knowledge of man's
inner nature and the purpose of his life on earth, has taken the form of a
dictionary because of the discovery, forecasted by the great orientalist
Max Muller, of a metaphorical language underlying all sacred Scriptures
of the world. The terms of this language will reveal themselves to students
of the Scriptures who will follow the line of thought of this Dictionary. The
Sacred Language will be seen to be the one and only instance where
supernatural intrusion into mundane affairs is clearly cognizable; for a
universal language such as this, could not be invented and applied by man.
It is possible for the Scriptures literally to be the work of man, but it is
impossible for their worldwide undermeanings to be other than the
superhuman and transcendental. It matters nothing however grotesque
the wording of the Scriptures may be; it is the symbolism alone which is
precious, and worthy of our best efforts to elucidate.

                     -- Gaskell --

Universal Mind